
Louise Perry

IFS Psychotherapist & Counsellor


IFS, Psychotherapy, counselling, art therapy




“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the end.” (CS Lewis)

I specialise in helping people who feel sad, overwhelmed, stuck, lost, angry, depressed, anxious, lonely, restless, disappointed and struggle in their  personal relationship – maybe you recognise yourself in this list? I also specialise in helping people who have addiction issues, which I believe is often a result of trying to manage these feelings or underlying trauma. Having grown up in a dysfunctional family in deep South London, and been a single working Mum, I have a good understanding of the difficulties modern life brings. This is coupled with a strong commitment to working inclusively with individuals of different cultures, genders, sexual orientation and age.


  • MA Integrative Arts Psychotherapy – IATE
  • MA Communication Design – Central St Martins
  • Post Graduate Diploma Integrative Arts Psychotherapy - IATE
  • (23 years in 12-step recovery)
  • IFS level 1

The way I work

Initially I may suggest a quick phone call to have an informal chat and get a feeling about if we are a good fit to work together. Once we have established this I offer weekly one-to-one 50 minute sessions either in person or via Zoom. During sessions I will help you explore and make sense of your experiences, thoughts, and feelings by talking and / or by using a range of art materials like postcards, a sandtray or visualisation. These tools can be particularly useful when we are stuck or lost for words and many clients tell me that using art materials enables them to step outside the 'problem' and gain a different and new perspective. You don’t need to have any experience of art or think of yourself as particularly creative to use these approaches and some clients prefer to stay with talking to explore their difficulties. Whichever is your preferred communication style, together we will work to find the answers that allow you to feel differently and make the changes you need to make the most of your life. This process can happen in just a few sessions (short-term work) or it can take a little longer and need on-going work.
Call : 0207 503 0118
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